Illustrator & Designer OLIVIA CIANCA 2022CoastBranded Logo for Aerobuild’s new camper launch. 2022Sipside Coffee BarLogo, branding, and website design for Sipside Coffee Bar. 2022New Zealand Waikato Black TeaPackaging Illustration for Rare Tea Co. Pattern Design Black & White Comps Thumbnails Color Comps Final Colors 2022A La MontañaAlbum Cover Illustration for Arbol Records. 2022La PrairiePackaging Design and Illustration for La Prairie makeup brand. 2022Leaf & ClayPackaging Illustration for the Plant Club monthly subscription box for succulent suppliers Leaf & Clay. 2022Puerto RicoRedesign of the cover and player mat illustrations for 2002 Board Game Puerto Rico. 2021JaponismeEditorial illustration for the New York Times Article How Japonisme Forever Changed the Course of Western Design.